Accreditation provides the marketplace confidence that your organization has a well-established quality management system producing reliable and accurate results. Accreditation is utilized globally by various industries to confirm traceability in results. Becoming accredited symbolizes integrity and competency within your organization which provides you a market advantage over competition. Accreditation is strongly utilized by regulatory agencies as a qualifying factor to accept organizations for specific programs or schemes.
Accreditation certificate will be valid for 2 years.
AMLAS requires all organizations to conduct a surveillance visit at least 1 year after their initial accreditation assessment. This visit is a less comprehensive assessment that focuses on the maintenance of the organization’s system to the ISO standard. This includes but not limited to internal audits, management review, proficiency testing, complaints, corrective actions and a full technical review of one item listed on the scope of accreditation.
Costs vary due to various factors, from company size to scope of work. Contact us for a quote to start the process.
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